Please READ before watching: For those of you who don't know, my brother Ben has a four month old son named Bennett. If you go to his blog, The Lazcanos, he has created a series of episodes called "Captain Fussy Buckets." Well, since Sean had this outfit that said "Captain Adorable" I found it only appropriate to start our own baby hero series. I want to thank my brother, Ben, for doing all of the editing and for actually producing this episode. The lighting is not so good because I recorded this one morning at 6am. Please excuse my dorky voices during the narration. Also, it was total improv, so there are some awkward silent moments in the dialogue where I was trying to think of what to say. So without further adieu, we bring you Captain Adorable. P.S. Keep an eye out for a cameo from Captain Fussy Buckets. :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This is what we've been up to...
We take walks every chance that we get. Sometimes we go twice in one day. (I think I look like Octo-mom in this picture.)
This is one of Alexa's favorite things to do...bath time!!! She smiles and giggles and talks the entire time.
Here is one of Sean's favorite things to do...he love to suck his I did when I was little.
They are finally starting to really interact. Today, Sean was shaking a toy that rattled and I caught Alexa laughing a deep belly laugh at him. He kept doing it and then would stop to hear her laugh and then do it again. He knew exactly what he was doing. It was sooooo cute. Of course I was not fast enough with the video camera to catch it. I need to work on that. Oh ya, and one more thing new this week. Sean says "uh oh." I know it sounds crazy but he did it like five times yesterday and it was all in context. Alexa had dropped her passy and he said it. Then later on, we were playing and I dropped a toy and he said it. So I dropped it on purpose three more time and he said it each time. My mother-in-law came over later and also heard him say it. Alexa, on more than one occasion said "hi." She will only do it if it is the first time she has seen someone in a while. For example, she only says it to me in the mornings. But she has said it to my mom when she comes to visit. I am constantly talking to these two all day long and I know they are picking up on things fast. They are at a very fun age. Greg and I are having a blast just being with them. We joke about how much fun we have on Friday nights and compare life to before. We wouldn't change anything and are enjoying our two sweet angels.